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Zero Waste Events

LCS Events is aiming to deliver zero waste events. We realise this is a challenge with the current habits and practices of even the environmental focused organisations. Yet, this does not mean that we should give up straight away.
We set as target to be as environmentally friendly as possible by using local produce, local suppliers and recycling as much as possible.
We encourage, incentivise and help local staff to organise carpooling to reduce our carbon footprint and arrange overnight accommodation whenever feasible for multiple day events. Being environmentally conscious is at the core of everything we do.
We are constantly looking for new opportunities to bring environmentally friendly concepts into charity events so if you are interested in the topic or would like to share your idea with us please get in touch.
Social Responsibility

We believe it is important to give back to local communities while helping globally wherever it is needed the most. . Not just in the supply chain but also on the beneficiary side, sourcing and distributing locally makes an event one step closer to be carbon neutral, zero waste and socially responsible.
LCS Events makes a conscious effort to stay socially responsible and reverses 2% of it's annual profits for charitable causes.
Linking the passion for the circular economy with the desire to provide to people in need locally, we are currently installing a scheme to donate event related objects to local charities and establishments in need.
If you would like to submit a local charity, school or organisation to be the beneficiary of our next donation please send us an email to info@lcs-events.com.